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Are you having some kind of trouble reading these webpages? Are you perhaps using a non-graphical web browser (such as Lynx), or do you not have your images turned on? Please turn images on if you can - these pages are friendly and do not have excessively large images. You may also experience some problems with older versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer and NCSA Mosaic. But even with Lynx, most of the textual content should be at least visible, if strangely formatted.

These pages should look fine in Netscape with 800X600 Super-VGA color screen resolution, and should look approximately the same in Internet Explorer and/or with a different screen resolution. If you are using Lynx, or have a black and white monitor, you might want to take a look at my text-only pages. (See link below.)

If you do not understand these terms, you may look at my glossary page. Also see my technical pages.

My Text Only pages meet CAST Bobby level 3 standards.

Links : [Text Notes] [Text Only pages] [Back to Greeting page] [Glossary] [Home page]