These are technical notes and comments for my webpages.
These are my personal webpages: they are about me and the things that I care to present and share with you; to babble or pontificate about, promote, decry, or whatever. I have links to business pages here, and talk about my "business", but business is not the primary purpose of these pages. I have tried to present my links in such a way as to make these pages a "navigational experience", like a journey. I like journeys, and think of life as a journey. I hope that you will find my pages enjoyable; and perhaps you will send me some feedback on them.
Home, "More", and my pages
My main pages are my home page (home.html
) and more page (more.html
). Why two? I have sized these pages so that the whole page will fit nicely on a small monitor screen. (See "video" below.) If you have a larger monitor you will just have extra space. These two pages provide links (the gold buttons, and some other links) to the pages of my website. Explore. 8)I also have a glossary to help explain some of the technical terms included here.
These pages should be viewable with Lynx.
The only problems I have seen were with a newer version of Lynx on "Silicon Beach".I wrote my graphical pages to look good on Netscape. They will look best when viewed with Netscape version 4 or better at 800X600 resolution. But they should also look good with older versions of Netscape (Netscape 3) and with Microsoft's "Internet Explorer", especially newer versions of Internet Explorer. They should be viewable with Mosaic or any graphical web browser, though things may line up strangely on some "other" browsers.
Browser Problems
The only serious one I know of is with some newer versions of Lynx. (See my text-only notes.)
If you encounter any other problems, please let me know.Passwords
Some of my webpages are password protected, where you have to type a user name and password into a window to access a protected directory. This is called "User Authentication" or "Authentication Protocol". When using such protocols, please remember that the text is CASE SENSITIVE. When entering passwords please type the user names and passwords exactly as they are supposed to appear, including the case (capital or small) of the letters. For example:Bob, bob, and BoB, are three different names.
Lynx supports User Authentication.Creation
I wrote pages "by hand": that is - by typing the HTML code; not by using a program (frontpage, etc.) that writes HTML for you. This makes me learn HTML, gives you more control over how things look, and helps ensure that the material will be cross-platform compatable (viewable on different computer systems, Mac, unix, etc.) See more comments about this in my "Geek Notes". I use and highly reccommend Textpad - the best text editor for Windows.Construction
Some of my pages may be under construction, or planned but not done yet. If so you should see a "not yet", or "sorry" or "under construction" message. And, in truth, I do hope that my webpages will always be "under construction" to some extent. How dull to finish! I hope to always have more things to do.Feedback
If you have any comments, questions, etc., about my webpages; please send them to me.
Especially if it's of a technical or professional nature. I hope to implement a "guest book" eventually : but that's a low priority project. For now (or anytime) please send me your comments via E-mail.