Only in silence - the word ---| Rhyader
Only in darkness - the light -----| ~~~+~~~
Only in dying - life --------|
Bright the hawk's flight, -----------|
On the empty sky --------------|--------------
Rhyader is my autonym ... |-----
Many of us, when we go on-line, choose pseudonyms for ourselves.
I made the name "Rhyader", thinking I was being original.
I later found that I was not; and there are even some strange
coincidences. (See "about the name".)
I came to like the name, and the fact that some people know
me as "Rhyader", and call me by that name.
Indeed: are not the names that we choose for ourselves just as much
ours - perhaps more so - as the ones that were given to us? And so,
I call it an "autonym", not a "pseudonym", and use it all worlds.
I am Chris Wilcher.
I am Rhyader.
Welcome to my little corner of the web.
[About the Name Rhyader]
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