..m############m.. Where the world ceases to be the stage
m" """ "## ####m for personal hopes and desires, where we,
m##m "#" ######m as free beings, behold it in wonder,
.####".m#### #######. to question and to contemplate,
m#############. .#m########m there we enter the realm of art and
|############### ############| science. If we trace out what we
################m |############# behold and experience through the
|##################. m## ##############| language of logic, we are doing
|###################m ##################| science; if we show it in forms
|#####################mm"" """#########| whose interrelationships are not
######################## "###### accessible to our conscious thought
|#######################| |####| but are intuitively recognized as
"#######################m #####" meaningful, we are doing art. Common
`####################### .m######' to both is the devotion to something
"#################### ######" beyond the personal, removed from
"################l ####" the arbitrary.
""==########=="" -- A. Einstein.
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