
Lynx - For those of you who do not know - is a text based web browser.
It is standard equipment on unix and linux systems, and also comes in versions for DOS and Windows. Lynx uses no graphics, and will work with anything, including a dumb monochrome terminal.

I still use Lynx myself, running it in a telnet terminal window, because of a feature that Lynx has that the big boys (Netscape and IE) lack. They don't seem to have any way to save a file to the host computer: they only let you download it to your computer. Lynx gives you a choice: you can save the file "locally" (meaning on the host computer) or download it directly to your computer, if you can use use X,Y, or Z modem protocol. Otherwise you can just save the file on the host computer's hard drive and use an FTP client to download it. This is more efficient when downloading single huge files from the web, because web browsers like Netscape or Internet Explorer are less efficient (slower) at downloading files than FTP. So if you have really big file to download, it's faster to let Lynx grab it and put it on the Host computer's hard drive, and then use FTP to download it later. This seems hard to do because people write their webpages so you can't see anything in Lynx; but the solution is easy. I use Netscape to put the mouse cursor over the download button and get the URL for the file; then type that URL into Lynx's "go" command.

SO... If you have Unix shell access you might try out Lynx. Type  "Lynx"  at the unix prompt.
       Type  "g"   to type in a URL to  "go"  to.
       Type  "q"   to quit.

Odd Note

When I tried using a version of Lynx at Silicon Beach, it did really bizarre stuff and would not show some pages at all. This was a newer fancier version that used different colors. I have no explanation or solution for this.

Press your browser's Back button to go back.